
Muscling In On Love: Steve Cook Morgan Rose Moroney

Words | Claire Debarre

After Covid forced Steve Cook to endure a 10-month separation from his fiance, Morgan, the fitness guru and 10-time Mr Olympia finalist returned to Australia to prove that love weights for no one.

A week out from his wedding, American professional bodybuilder and fitness guru, Steve Cook, tapped us for some last minute help. It was, the Utah-based owner of Fitness Culture, a “super stressful” time. “M.J. Bale came to the rescue to suit up me and my groomsmen a few days out from my wedding,” Steve says. “It was amazing how quickly we were fitted and ready to go with our suits. Everything came together in time and was better than I ever could have expected.”

While partaking in some fitting-room banter with Cook and his groomsmen, the conversation steered in the direction of how Steve and his lovely Australian wife Morgan met - the story we were all waiting to hear!

Steve met his future bride to be, Morgan Rose Moroney, at an event in Sydney in 2019. Morgan is a fitness model and gymnast and, like Steve, is incredibly into her fitness. Over the three day event the couple attended, they were able to spend time getting to know each other and bond over the industry that they work in.

“I can’t say it was love at first sight as we were both seeing other people at the time,” laughs Steve. “But there were lots of laughs during a surf session and we got along very quickly as friends. Morgan is just so energetic and upbeat, and that’s what I loved from the start.”

It sounds like love at first sight to us, Steve…

Some time passed, but the couple kept in touch. When they got to a point where they were both no longer seeing their respective partners, they decided to give it a shot, and soon started dating.

“Really, what made me fall for Morgan is just how she lives life to the fullest. She is always up for an adventure, she is usually laughing the loudest and she is unapologetically herself,” says Steve.

Spending time together - and lots of it thanks to COVID - Steve and Morgan fell madly in love. But when Steve had to return to the United States and Morgan to Australia, it was to be ten months before they saw each other again.

The time spent apart managing a long-distance relationship cemented the fact that the couple were made for each other. That paired with their common passion for fitness and adventure.

“People say ‘When you meet the right person you’ll just know’”, said Steve to Muscle Insider. “I didn’t believe it until 2020. Morgan and I were saying our tearful goodbyes before she boarded a flight back to Australia. I would’ve married her right then and there. I knew in that moment she was ‘the one’. Instead, I got 10 long months of reliving and regretting the moment I let her go. It was tough to be apart from what felt like was the better half of me.”

“I knew I would never make that same mistake again.”

So in 2021, things changed forever for the couple.

“We decided to travel the world after I couldn’t get into Australia and Morgan couldn’t get into the United States,” explains Steve. “We met in Dubai and then travelled to the Maldives and then to Greece.”

“I had the ring with me the whole time and was so worried about losing it. I knew Santorini would be super romantic and planned out the surprise proposal at sunset on the cliffs of Santorini. We caught it on video and I love to watch it back because of how perfect the setting was.”

After enjoying a long-awaited reunion that was definitely worth celebrating, the newly engaged couple have been practically inseparable ever since.

But that was 2021. With no time to waste, Steve and Morgan decided to tie the knot and say their forevers in 2022 at the Rosewood Estate in the rural town of Beechmont, Queensland.

As we know, weddings, whilst a joyous occasion, can often be stressful. Not for Steve and Morgan. The easy-go-lucky couple found the whole process a breeze (except Steve frantically scrambling to get his suits ready in time).

“Preparing for our wedding was pretty painless, if I’m honest. Morgan did a lot of the footwork,” laughs Steve.

“The only hitch was when it came to physical training and getting in shape for the big day… I unfortunately got sick a week before the wedding and was a few pounds lighter. For some people, that would’ve probably been a good thing but for me, I typically live at a certain size.”

“But all in all, our wedding day was perfect. We got married in Beechmont at Rosewood Estate. Morgan and I had seen it a few months earlier and knew straight away that it was the spot for us. It was gorgeous with a view of both the Gold Coast and Springbrook waterfall. To top it off, our sabd-coloured linen Robertson suits by M.J. Bale paired perfectly with the backdrop of our location.”

After the picture-perfect wedding, life seems pretty great for Steve and Morgan right now, who are back to living their best life, travelling the world, training and enjoying time at home with their dogs.

And as for a honeymoon?

“We haven’t had the chance to take a honeymoon yet because we will get married again in the United States officially. Due tovisa reasons, we were unable to sign a formal marriage certificate here in Australia,” explains Steve.

“Eventually, we would like to take a honeymoon to Italy.”

Two weddings topped off by an Italian honeymoon? Sounds like the perfect nuptial super set.